Siti web - Rossi Web Design

What can you do with your website?

To begin...

To begin you can add or delete any number of pages. Without graphic designers asking you money for any little change on the site.

Then you may require features to enhance interactivity on the website : we'll study with you what's the best solution to your needs.

Reminding you that... even if you're not a computer geek, you'll insert your contents but your website will keep a professional look anyways. This same website runs on the same software.


You may be interested in a newsletter to keep in touch with your visitors.

Or a guestbook to let them leave a message on the site.

Or what about a simple online form to let them send a message to you?

Photo galleries enrich the browsing experience and help organising images.

If you are into tourism or international activities you would like a multilingual version of your website.

Advanced needs

On the other hand if your needs are a personalised catalogue or ecommerce, we're here for you. Just ask. That's why we are here.

And more!

Until you'll get assistance you'll get periodical updates enhancing the possibilities of your site.

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